Thursday 16 January 2014

All Sorted

I decided to take the carb out again this morning and try and fix the leaking petrol.

After I took the float bowl off and re seated it again and fitted the carb again the petrol has stopped leaking out of the over flow pipe. I guess the float was jammed the last time I re seated the float bowl!!!

That has saved me R$100!

While the carb was off I re-checked the fuel screw on the carb. I put it to the default 1 1/2 turns for now which seems to be good.

At the weekend I will play with the fuel screw a bit more to find the best position for it.

I am going to work on the bike this morning to see how it goes.

The stuff I ordered at xmas still hasn't arrived yet but I received an email stating that they are waiting on the footpegs and they should be in this week so hopefully I will have the stuff next weekend.

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