Thursday 30 January 2014

Foot Pegs

The new footpegs have made a real difference when I am riding standing up. I found that I was much more confortable when riding standing up and oly sat down when I went round really tight corners. The bigger pegs have also made it easier to cornet while standing up as I can get more weight on the outside leg than before.

I still havent had time to do anything with the suspension o air filter. Will give it a go at the weekend!

Friday 24 January 2014

stuff arrived

The stuff I ordered arrived yesterday. I have just installed the footpegs.

The new pegs are a lot bigger and feel much better. I will take the bike out tomorrow to see how they are.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Test ride done

Just got back from testing the crf on the road and the difference of the bike is amazing I can not believe that spending R$50 can make such a difference.

Going through the gears the front wheel lifts off of the ground at every gear change.

The bike sounds much better too.

Can't wait till saturday to take the bike for and off road test.

Got confirmation the that the front suspension mods and the new foot pegs are on their way so hopefully next week I will have some more mods to do.

These mods are much needed as the front end now dips even more on breaking than it did before.

All Sorted

I decided to take the carb out again this morning and try and fix the leaking petrol.

After I took the float bowl off and re seated it again and fitted the carb again the petrol has stopped leaking out of the over flow pipe. I guess the float was jammed the last time I re seated the float bowl!!!

That has saved me R$100!

While the carb was off I re-checked the fuel screw on the carb. I put it to the default 1 1/2 turns for now which seems to be good.

At the weekend I will play with the fuel screw a bit more to find the best position for it.

I am going to work on the bike this morning to see how it goes.

The stuff I ordered at xmas still hasn't arrived yet but I received an email stating that they are waiting on the footpegs and they should be in this week so hopefully I will have the stuff next weekend.

Sunday 5 January 2014

Jets in

Swapped the jets out this morning with little problems.

I was exacly how the articles on the internet explained. Very easy.

I havent taken the bike out yet just going to have some breakfast they will take the crf for a ride to test it. I have noticed that the bike starts now without needing the choke which is a good sign. I checked the airbox and exhaust and they were already opened up by the honda mechanic.

Saturday 4 January 2014


I have been looking on the internet and it looks like changing the jetting is much easier than I thought. It looks like it is just a case of loosening the cab and taking the bottom of it off. I am going to give it a go tomorrow morning as I have had the 45 Pilot Jet and 145 main Jet for months sat in a cupboard.

I saw this article which describes the process well:

It looks like the new kit I ordered will be at least another week until it arrives to xmas and new year so it will give me a week to see how the jetting improves the performance before the air filter is fitted.